Today Spend : 107.5 rmb
Total Spend : 1247.5 rmb
Today walked 5 km to the famous landmark of ancient Dali - The Chongsheng Temple & The Three Pagoda 崇圣寺三塔. But the entrance fee is far too expensive at 121 rmb, still I can still get a good look from outside the compound. No cycling today, so just sit back and enjoy more photos
I couldn't resist to take a shot on her
Colourful paintings and souvenirs shop
Wu Hua Pagoda built in the year 865Those who knows mandarin....on the history of Wu Hua Pagoda
Pedestrian walkway view from the top of Wu Hua Pagoda
Walk with your eyes open
Traditional ancient shops
So old that even grass find living on the roof
Fresh veggie on display
And the hanging meat at the Muslim shop
A dedicated street for the westerners
The Wall that surround the ancient city of Dali
At the entrance of the Chongsheng Temple & the Three Pagoda
National 4A tourist attraction, so pay 121rmb if you want to go in
Shot taken separated by a glass wall
Shot taken outside at the car park
Stalls outside
A city of Buddhism
Symbol of Dali _ Golden Phoenix